Published inMindful Mental HealthPanic MechanicUnwinding PTSD Through Kundalini Yoga and Critical TheoryJan 30Jan 30
Published inMindful Mental HealthRewiring the BrainKundalini Yoga, Trauma and the Plasticity of HealingJan 30Jan 30
Published inMindful Mental HealthVortex CortexOn PTSD, Trauma and the Neuroscience of Kundalini Yoga.Jan 29Jan 29
Published inILLUMINATIONBreathing Through Neoliberal WellnessTapping into critiques of modern capitalist societies and their exploitation of human vulnerability.Jan 8Jan 8
Published inCurated NewslettersViolent Histories and Repair: Exploring the Critical Study of Systemic Violence and the…Systemic violence is embedded within the institutions and practices that govern societies, and its effects can be deeply ingrained over…Nov 23, 2024Nov 23, 2024
Islam, Gender, and Sexuality: Preventative Interventions and Alternative Approaches to Gender…The intersection of Islam, gender, and sexuality has long been a site of intense debate, often framed within the constraints of traditional…Nov 22, 2024Nov 22, 2024